“Either the CD is corrupt or the hard disk where installation is taking place has some problems.” I suddenly felt 10 eyes on me. Hang on two of them were my own as I was busy looking at my hands. Then began a series of silent but very unbearable phrases all directed towards me. But it didn’t last long as I soon reasoned, “The Live run worked so why not the installation? It got to be the problem of their hard disk.” We tried again. The computer provider’s man who was working on some other machine came to deal with the server. He was sitting next to us. This time’s installation too went on well. But the result was the same. The man seeing this error message told that it was the problem of the CD.
Now they took me outside and started telling me loud all those things which they earlier said silently. I replied, “Why are we wasting the time? Now that we have begun the installation, they can’t use the windows in this machine. We got to install some wretched thing in this machine soon. Else we won’t be going from here anytime now.” Jain as usual took his mobile. “Mobin Chetta, do you have any Ubuntu 8 DVD with u? OK. So If I come now can you give it to me. Fine. Thank you chetta.” He went without a word. We went back to the machine. As we were doing the installation from Live run, when the installation crashed, the live run continued. As expected as soon as we reached there some one started Orkutting. I, being the culprit sat thinking what I had done wrong. Don’t remember why, buy my eyes kind of reached the drive which contained my CD. The CD drive looked very beautiful outside. But how heartlessly is it behaving at us. Hang on! There is some problem somewhere. Oh! Yes. It’s a CD drive. And Jain has gone to bring a DVD. Call it the Problem No 4.
I said it to Aswin. The were together for long I guess. Some of the habits of the former are now being seen in the latter too. He took his mobile phone and called Jain. How would have world survived had mobiles been not there? He said some things through the phone. He came back and said, “They have only Ubuntu 8.04 DVD. They doesn’t have the CD. But they have a CD of the older version 7.10. I don’t like the idea of installing the older version. But still there is no other way.” And there was it. A non-elegant way to solve a problem.
We waited around 15 minutes and called Jain again. He said he will reach in a few minutes. Aswin said,” If only we could have downloaded from here. Then we can download the latest version, write it into a CD and install it.” I replied,” Don’t be stupid. It takes one or two hours. And more importantly its not right to ask the people here to allow us to download something from here.” Then followed a 10 minutes silence. Silence as never before in our college life. Silence as when two or even more people sit together each having lots to tell still nothing to speak.
I decided to change the subject. “Is there any problem if we write CD's at 52Ks?”. Aswin, “ Nothing much. That CD won't work. Why did you ask?” Me, “Oh! I wrote that Ubuntu CD @ 52K cause there was no time to wait.” He replied, or rather retorted, “Da p_ _ _ i, does anyone in their right senses write a CD at 52K's let alone a boot able CD. That's the problem.” I replied, “ If the CD wont work when written at 52K, then why are they giving such an option? Aswin replied, “ Now. Don't go on asking questions which I don't have answers to. Just understand never to write CD's at 52. Always do it at 24 or 16 to be safe. If only we could download the image and write the CD again!!!”
I decided it was enough about this subject. Subject change. I giving my pen drive,said to Vipin and Shibin who were busy with orkut, “ Da please delete the Ubuntu image in this pen drive. I have to copy some movies into this.” Aswin who appeared to be sleeping on his chair jumped up. “Da _____ are you saying you had that image with you all this time? Then we could have just wrote another CD. You ________, are you really that stupid or are you trying to be funny.” I remained answer less but there was no answer expected. The phone was taken and usual procedures repeated. He said, “We are now going to Pallimoola to buy another CD and you are going to pay. We will come here and write the CD.” Call all the above together as problem no 5.
We went and bought the CD and not much problems occurred except Rs 12 going from my pocket. We reached back. Jain was already there with ubuntu 7.10 CD. Now everything started to happen in a fast forwarded manner. The image in my pen drive was copied to a computer, written to that blank disk and installation was again started by Jain. It reached 50%, 51%, 52%, 53%, 54% and then “EITHER THE CD IS CORRUPT OR THE HARD DISK WHERE INSTALLATION IS TAKING PLACE HAS SOME PROBLEMS.” - PROBLEM NO. 6.
Aswin, “It looks like its after all the image's problem, not the Cd's.” I looked at him triumphantly. He ignored it. “Come on. Shut down the system. We will install the 7.10 which our seniors gave.” Vipin and Shibin wanted to go to have tea as it was already 4:30 PM. They went out. Me and Aswin went till the door. I said to him, “I think I know the problem. Its because Jain is clicking on the Install button. There is some kudothram(black magic) on him which will always create some problem when installing linux.” Aswin said,”Yeah. Maybe. So I will do something. I will call him outside. Complete the procedures of installation before he comes back.”
“Done Mate”. And he called Jain out saying there was something important to tell and asked me not to come as I was not yet “THERE” to hear it. As soon as they were out of sight I started the procedures. The first six steps out of seven went without much events. Just when the last step started Jain came back. He shouted, “What are you doing. Da stop it. Some problems will come.” I blocked him with my left hand and clicked the start install button. He gasped.
The installation started. It reached 50%. It went on to 54%.“EITHER THE CD IS CORRUPT OR THE HARD DISK WHERE INSTALLATION IS TAKING PLACE HAS SOME PROBLEMS.” This was a message i was dreading.
BUT NO. NO PROBLEMS. It reached 55%. I stood up shaking hands with all. (By then Vipin and Shibin were back). I guess I was like that scientists in movies who, after the satellite have been launched successfully, stands up and shakes hands with all. The % counter slowly advanced to 100%. When it was reached there was a silent victory celebrations. OUR FIRST COMPLETED MISSION. It was already 5 in the evening. For me who was supposed to be home by 2, it could be called late. So I left,.................... VICTORIOUSLY.
What is remaining is hearsay. I was not there.
They connected to internet after I left, and added the compiz plug-in.”Compiz is one of the first compositing window managers for the X Window System that uses 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects for window management. The effects, such as a minimization effect and a cube workspace are implemented as loadable plug ins. Because it conforms to the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual standard, Compiz can substitute for the default Metacity in GNOME or KWin in KDE.” This is what wikipedia tell about Compiz. So I believe it and tell you the same.

They left for the day. The next day Aswin arranged for the original 8.04 CD, that canonical had sent to his home and came and installed it. They added the plug-ins and patches and all the stuff and made the computer at its best possible state or so they say.
After a week, we went to that cafe for browsing. We were happy to see that the computer we installed was being used by the staff. They appeared to be happy seeing us. The owner came and said he was indeed impressed by Linux. He continued, “You can install it into all the machines.” Now the ball was in our court. We said,” We are having exams now. So you will have to wait. Maybe in two or three weeks we will be free. So we can help you then :).” He said, “OK. That's fine. Thanks for the help.” We were stark silent waiting to hear, “You can use internet here free for the help you have been to us.” But none came.
Nevertheless we were happy. The first “MISSION” didn't become a failure. So a happy starting. END OF ALL PROBLEMS.
Will it be like that for long? Wait and see.
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