Continuing from the last. The very next day after I went home the other two Aswin and Jain went to a internet cafe near the hostel named 'Impulse'. I guess they went on an impulse with nothing particular to do. There they saw a cafe with 8 computers and each single one among them had windows in them. And to their greatest displeasure there wasn't Mozilla Firefox even in the system they took. For people who wanted to believe anything connected to windows was their previous life this was too much. They stopped browsing after checking the scraps and mails. While paying the cafe owner, they didn't forget to mention that to him.
He being someone who was interested in free software and linux during his study time suddenly remembered the good old days. He gave seats near his table to both of them and asked more about Linux. He said, “I was very interested in free software some time back. But they have yet to make a perfect OS. I can't put such a OS here cause people will simply stop to come.”
It was Aswin who jumped at him, “You are thoroughly misinformed respected sir, have you ever heard of an OS called Ubuntu?” seeing the effect of the name on the owner and understanding he had never heard that name our dear Aswin continues,” Its the best OS out there. I had been a windows user all my life. I changed to Ubuntu just a few months back. Now I practically hate using Windows machines. Its like going back to DOS just after using a Windows. But in that case DOS can help you in certain cases but here Windows can't help you in any way that Linux can't.”
He pauses. No questions. “ And Ubuntu has come up with a new version a month back, Ubuntu 8.04. You should see the effects they have there. The one I particularly like is window burning to ashes and the window being folded into a 16th part. The real Windows and even Microsoft will be folded into a 16th part and put into Linux's pockets in a few years time.”
Another pause. But this time Jain starts without looking at Aswin who looks particularly displeased at being interrupted. “Sir, you have made a great cafe here. Good computers, good facilities, nice rooms, nice cabins and a great location(next to Vimala College hostel) and how can you despite knowing of free software install Windows here?”
He looked dumbstruck for a moment. But he is a businessman and can't afford to be answerless for long. So he replies, “ Those days Linux I knew was only for the programmers and technical people. It was not user friendly. I didn't know it had grown so much. But as I have never read Bible I can't believe without seeing. Can you please bring me a laptop or stuff with Linux installed and show me how it works?”
Replies for Linux fanatics aren't hard to get I guess, because even before the question finished answer came from Aswin, “ We can install it in your computer itself. You can see for yourselves and if you like, which I don't have any doubts on, we will help you install it in all computers.”
The owner didn't seem too convinced especially as they were first years and wouldn't be knowing much about these. He said, “I have spent a good enough amount on networking this place and the connected is given only to the server. From there it is split and given to all computers. Therefore if some problem arise it will affect the whole system right. I will do one thing. There are some things left to be done in the computers by the providers. I will call them and ask them to come day after tomorrow. You can come that day so that if there is any problem, he will be able to handle it.”
Jain as usual didn't like an “Non B. Techian” to handle a GEC CSE student. But since we are yet not proved he let it go for this one time. He said, “ Its not that necessary to call that man. We have an option called Live CD. From which we can run the OS. None of the settings or setup of the computer will be affected. As soon as the CD is removed your computer will be the same. But it will be a little slower than the installed version.”
“Oh! That makes it risk free. But let that man come. I have got some other works for his also. And will the networking work in Linux? I like the way it is now. If someone wants to take a print of a file from any machine, I can do it from this server itself.”
Aswin, “Networking works much better in Linux than in any other OS. Most of the server machines in almost all companies are on Linux. And more than this print out stuffs you can literally control the whole of the other computers from here. You can restrict the CD drive, the files they can access, so on. I have heard networking is quite easy in Linux.”
Jain didn't allow him to finish the sentence, “ Yes networking is very easy in Linux. We can do it for you without any problem”, ignoring the cautious look from Aswin he continued,” Its even automatic. You don't have to do anything at all. Linux does all for you. You just gotta supply the details they ask for.”
The cafe owner was clearly impressed,” That is great. Then you guys come the day after next after noon. I will make one computer ready for you.” And that was it there. They paid and came back.
On the way back Aswin asked, “ Da pulle nee ithinu munpu ee networking enthengilum cheythitundo da??” (you grass you before this networking anything done you?) “Illa” (No) came the reply. “Pinne enthu m_______ kanditada patti ithokke nee cheyyamennu paranje?” (Then how h______ seen dog this all you do tell).
“Oh that's not a problem. If some problem comes we can ask our seniors right.” Jain continues, “ You have the Ubuntu 8.04 they sent you with you right?”
Aswin, “Oh No. I haven't brought that one from home. Hey let's do one thing. We will call Alex and ask him to download it and bring it. He has free download at night and linux downloads give you a speed of around 200 kbps. It should just be matter of one or two hours.”
Unlike the older generation where people think twice before doing, now people do things twice before thinking. Before Aswin finished telling this Jain took his phone and called Alex(me) without remembering that that was a time I usually become very busy solving several political and economical problems India face today. The mobile rings and my PA takes the phone and says, “Hello sir, what can I do for you.” and Jain says to Aswin, “eda avan ee maasathe bill adachitilla enna thonunne. Aro fone eduthittu paraya avan bill adachitillennu.(guess he hasn't paid the bill. Somebody took the phone and said something like that.)
Aswin takes the phone and says, “My dear chechi. I talk Alex. He me class. No bill no money. Monday bill money ready. Give phone.” And my ever smart PA replies, “What nonsense this fellow is talking?” Wondering what is happening he cuts the phone. Then says to Jain,” He is studying now. So she said that he will call back later.”
Hearing a ring tone I rise from my thougts. Or rather rise from my slumber. Or rather urakkam kazhinjezhunettu. Guess hello tune is working properly since the one who called did not wait for long. After a few seconds he disconnected the phone. I went and looked who called. It was Aswin. Oh My GOD. What have I dont. Now I have to call him back. But “paisa namukoru vishayamalla” (Money is not a subject for us. It is subject only for the Economics students.) I called him back.”
Me : “Hello.”
Aswin : “Hallo. Allengil venda Annan Thambi.”
Me : “Athu thanneya nallathu. Enthina viliche?”
Aswin explains it all.
Me : “Da there is one problem my CD drive is not working. So can't write it.”
Aswin : “Doesn't matter. Bring the image in a pen drive.”
Me : “But my pen drive just has got 2 gb. This DVD takes atleast 4 GB right.”
Aswin : “No don't download the DVD. You can download the CD. Just 699 MB.”
Me : “Done mate.”
Aswin : “Check mate.”
Phone line is cut.
Now I am in deep thoughts. I go to sleep early and get up early. Start downloading at 6 in the morning. Just 2 hours left and got about 700MB to download. Download started at 20kbps. I lost all hopes and went to read the news papers. When I came back 30 min later 50% was over. When I looked I found that it is downloading at about 200 Kbps. Torrent kandu pidichavare sammathikkanam. The file got downloaded by 7:15.
As afternoon approached and with just another 15 hours left for physics exam. And me still having not studied anything, I had an idea. Why don't I go to my neighbours house and write the CD. That is just what I did.
The next day after surprisingly easy physics paper (which I don't know who put? Whoever it was I prayed for him to live long.) I went to meet Aswin and Jain. We went to Canteen and had a 9rs meals to replenish our energy. Then we went through the highly dangerous forest route to Kaveri hostel. Resting there some time we left for our destination “IMPULSE” to make that internet cafe an INTERNET CAFE.